Soundbuffer sound curtain is the best way to protect local communities from unwanted noise generated by construction, demolition and drilling. The internal baffle is specifically designed to absorb unwanted noise. Due to its nature of non-irritant acoustic material that contains no glass fibre it is one of the safest options for health and safety requirements.
These curtains have been manufactured to be able to be hung from site fences, scaffolding and hoardings for ease of installation and removal. The curtains each have thick industrial Velcro joins on both sides to ensure maximum acoustic performance.
Construction sites with heavy machinery
Compressors & Saw Drills
Demolition works
Refurbishments on occupied buildings
Road and Earthworks
26dB noise reduction at 1000Hz lab test
Quick and easy installation and removal
Can be configured to specific job requirements
Fire and waterproof
Curtains can be hung vertically or horizontally
Perfect for creating temporary enclosures around loud machinery
Soundbuffer offers the possibity to outsource installation and removal of sound curtains.
Using our expertice will save you time and purchasing costs for your temporary noise control project
Planning to use noise control sound curtains more often? Then buying Soundbuffer sound curtain is probably the best option for your business.
Soundbuffer sound curtains include sound curtain and baffle
Soundbuffer provides the option to print you own logo and company information on the sound curtain.
With printed curtain you will get the same quality sound curtain as Soundbuffer sound curtain